Chapter 22 Whole Genome Sequencing Mutations

Whole genome sequencing was performed on XX samples by the new york genome centre. The pipeline involves:

Insert information on the NYGC pipeline here

22.1 Data

In this section, we load the maf output files and create lists which

  • filter out coding mutations
  • Determine mutational signatures by:
    • Creating bed files with genomic locations of the SNP +- 1 base location
    • Extracting the nucleotide sequence using bedtools
    • Convert all mutations to C > N and T > N to obtain 96 mutational signatures
    • run with single sample SigProfiler to obtain the signature scores
  • Annotate data with common human variants
# Load and save for the first time here
# redo

x1=dir(mafdir, 'annotated.maf')
#names2=sapply(strsplit( x1,"--"), function(x) x[1])
AllMutWGS=lapply(x1, function(x) read.delim(paste(mafdir, x, sep=""), sep="\t", skip = 1))
names(AllMutWGS)=sapply(strsplit( x1,"--"), function(x) x[1])
# # ## summary of the number of mutations?
print('no of mutations')
## [1] "no of mutations"
TotCount=lapply(AllMutWGS, nrow)

SearchVars=c("Splice_Site", "Nonstop_Mutation", "Nonsense_Mutation", "Missense_Mutation", "Frame_Shift_Ins", "Frame_Shift_Del")

AllMutWGS=lapply(AllMutWGS, function(x) {x$VAF<-x$t_alt_count/(x$t_alt_count+x$t_ref_count); x})

AllMutWGScoding=lapply(AllMutWGS, function(x) x[ x$Variant_Classification%in%SearchVars, ])
A2=sapply(AllMutWGScoding, nrow)

# Save the combined mutation lists
save(AllMutWGS, AllMutWGScoding, file=sprintf("outputs/WGS_mutations_coding_%s.RData", Sys.Date()))

## filters on VAF and depth?
AllMutWGScoding=lapply(AllMutWGScoding, function(x) {x<-x[which(x$VAF>=0.1 & x$n_ref_count>8 &
                                                                    (x$t_alt_count+x$t_ref_count)>14), ]; x})

MeltWGSCoding=melt(AllMutWGScoding, measure.vars=c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode"))
MeltWGSCoding$Hum_Gene=SymHum2Rat$HGNC.symbol[match(MeltWGSCoding$Gene_Symbol, SymHum2Rat$RGD.symbol)]
MutAllCosmic=lapply(AllMutWGScoding, function(x) x[which(x$Gene_Symbol%in%RatCosmic), ])
MeltCosmic=melt(MutAllCosmic, measure.vars=c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode"))
# Find complete numbers here, so we don't have to go back 
TotCount=sapply(AllMutWGS, nrow)
SearchVars=c("Splice_Site", "Nonstop_Mutation", "Nonsense_Mutation", "Missense_Mutation", "Frame_Shift_Ins", "Frame_Shift_Del")

##  C1R-tumor  C2N-tumor C2R1-tumor C2R2-tumor C2R3-tumor  C4P-tumor 
##     240153     262425     235677     222717     238324     258677

22.1.1 Extract mutation signatures

Annotate the files so that the nucleotide codon can be extracted based on the genome file. For this, use all mutations (not just coding ones) See the bash file to see the output of this. The output table $fout3 should have 6 columns with the genomic location, the reference and alt allele and codon context.

TBed=lapply(AllMutWGScoding, function(x) cbind(as.character(x$Chromosome), x$Start_Position-2, x$End_Position+1, as.character(x$Reference_Allele), as.character(x$Tumor_Seq_Allele2)))
TBed=lapply(TBed, function(x) x[which(nchar(x[ ,4])==1), ])
sapply(1:length(TBed), function(x) write.table(TBed[[x]], file=paste(names(TBed)[x], "coding_tricodon.bed", sep="_"),col.names=F, row.names = F, sep="\t", quote = F))

## bedtools command
bedtools getfasta -fi ../Genomic_Files/rn6.fa -bed $f -tab -fo $fout
f3() { awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $4 ,$5}' "$1"; }; paste <(f3 $f) <(f3 $fout) > $fout2
awk '{if (length($7)==3) print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, toupper($7)}' $fout2 > $fout3
## see the bash file to see the output of this.

Following running the above bash script, we can run the following extract the tri-nucleotide sequence

FFiles=dir("../data/tricodon_mut_sigs/extract_context/", "*.txt",full.names=T)
OutputList=sapply(FFiles, function(x) FindTriNucleotideContext(x))
TableOut=sapply(1:ncol(OutputList), function(x) unlist(OutputList[3, x]))
## make a plot here
# condense the type of mutations here
a2=sapply(strsplit(a1, "_"), function(x) x[1])
xall=as.character(unlist(OutputList[1, 1]))
TestAll=sapply(1:ncol(TableOut), function(x) unlist(by(TableOut[ ,x], xall, sum)))
rownames(TestAll2)=sapply(a2, function(x) Cdata$NewID[grep(x,  Cdata$WGS)])

#pdf("~/Desktop/Frequency_mutations_6types.pdf", height=5, width=6)
ggplot(TestAll2melt, aes(x=Var1, y=value, fill=Var2))+geom_bar(stat="identity")+theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))+ylab("Frequency of Mutation")
Frequency of different mutational codons

Figure 22.1: Frequency of different mutational codons

write.csv(TestAll2melt, file="nature-tables/1j.csv")

TableOut=cbind(as.character(unlist(OutputList[1, 1])), as.character(unlist(OutputList[2, 1])), TableOut)
colnames(TableOut)=c("MutationType","Nutrinucleotide", paste("BRCA", a2, sep="::"))
#write.csv(TableOut, file="../data/tricodon_mut_sigs/output4SigProfiler-jan2021.csv", sep = ",", row.names = F)

This is then run in python (sigprofiler) with the following code:

module load gcc
module load python/3.7.4
import SigProfilerExtractor
from sigproSS import spss_pcwag ## (spss uses only vcf files)
spss_pcwag.single_sample_pcwag("output4SigProfiler-jan2021.csv", output="output-jan2021")

The results from this analysis are shown below

SBSprof=read.delim("../data/tricodon_mut_sigs/output-jan2021-allsamples/sig_activities.txt", sep="\t")
SBSprofb=SBSprof[ ,-1]/rowSums(SBSprof[ ,-1])
SBSprofb=SBSprofb[ ,-which(colSums(SBSprofb)==0)]
rownames(SBSprofb)=SBSprof[ ,1]

SBSmelt=melt(cbind(SBSprofb[ , -1], id=rownames(SBSprofb)))
SBSsummary <- aggregate(. ~ variable, mean, data=SBSmelt)

ggplot(SBSmelt, aes(x=variable, y=value, col=variable))+geom_jitter()+geom_crossbar(data=SBSsummary , aes(ymin = value, ymax = value),size=0.5,col="black", width = .7)+theme_bw()+ylab("Percentage of mutations")
Alexandrov mutational signatures

Figure 22.2: Alexandrov mutational signatures

write.csv(SBSmelt, file="nature-tables/Ext1j.csv")

We can see whether any of these associate with tumor size for example:

## Assign with growth data or tumor size?
tname=substr(SBSprof$Cancer.Types, 7, 20)
idx=sapply(tname, function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))

cor1=cor.test(SBSprofb$SBS32+SBSprofb$SBS11, sizeInfo, use="complete")
cor2=cor.test(SBSprofb$SBS32[which(SBSprofb$SBS32>0)], sizeInfo[which(SBSprofb$SBS32>0)], use="complete")
cor3=cor.test(SBSprofb$SBS11[which(SBSprofb$SBS11>0)], sizeInfo[which(SBSprofb$SBS11>0)], use="complete")
plot(SBSprofb$SBS32+SBSprofb$SBS11, sizeInfo, xlab="SBS 32 or 11 score", ylab="tumor size",
     col=ifelse(SBSprofb$SBS11==0, "red", "blue"), main=sprintf("association between signature score and size, p=%s", round(cor1$p.value, 2)))
legend("topleft",c(paste("SB32", round(cor2$p.value,2)), paste("SB11",round(cor3$p.value,2))), col=c("red", "blue"), lwd=2, pch=19)

## Associations version 2
SBSprofb$Age=Cdata$Time.NMU2Sac.days[sapply(substr(rownames(SBSprofb), 7, 30), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]
SBSprofb$Cohort=Cdata$Char.Cohort.Batch[sapply(substr(rownames(SBSprofb), 7, 30), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]

plot(SBSprofb$Age,SBSprofb$SBS1,  ylab="Frequency Mut in SBS1", xlab="Time NMU2Sac", main="SBS1", col=factor(SBSprofb$Cohort))
plot( SBSprofb$Age, SBSprofb$SBS5, ylab="Frequency Mut in SBS5", xlab="Time NMU2Sac", main="SBS5", col=factor(SBSprofb$Cohort))
plot(SBSprofb$Age, SBSprofb$SBS32+SBSprofb$SBS11, ylab="SBS 32 or 11 score", xlab="tumor size",
     col=ifelse(SBSprofb$SBS11==0, "red", "blue"), main="SBS11/32")

22.2 Annotate the data with human common variants

## The following is run independently and saved to fle
## issues with the RnvorV87 pointer when cached
# remove sourcing CreateRnor87
## Append to MeltCosmic?
AAout=strsplit(as.character(MeltCosmic$HGVSp_Short), "[0-9]+")
AAwt=sapply(AAout, function(x) x[1])
AAmt=sapply(AAout, function(x) x[2])
AAno=regmatches(MeltCosmic$HGVSp_Short, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+", MeltCosmic$HGVSp_Short))

MeltCosmic$AAno[which(sapply(AAno, length)==1)]=as.numeric(as.character(unlist(AAno)))
FindVarTest=FindHumanAAHomolog(MeltCosmic$Gene_Symbol, AAwt, MeltCosmic$AAno, AAmt)
MeltCosmic=cbind(MeltCosmic, FindVarTest)


save(MeltCosmic, file=sprintf("outputs/MeltCosmic_coding_genes_WGS_rat_VAFncount%s.RData", Sys.Date())) #, sep="\t", row.names=F)
write.csv(MeltCosmic, file="nature-tables/SupplementalTable4_AllRatMutations_annotated_w_human_homolog_VAFncount.csv", row.names = F, quote=F)

From this analysis, below are the genes with mutations in known human hotpot mutations in common genes


Xa=which(MeltCosmic$Gene_Symbol %in% BList$RatGene)
Xb=match(paste(MeltCosmic$Gene_Symbol, MeltCosmic$AAno), paste(BList$RatGene,BList$RatAAno))
Xc=match(paste(MeltCosmic$Gene_Symbol, MeltCosmic$AAno), paste(ChangList2$RatGene, ChangList2$RatAAno))
x2=c(which(!, which(!

BList[(na.omit(Xb)), ]
##       Gene AAno AA1 Variant RatGene    Sequence         HumProt
## 128   HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.1 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.2 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.3 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.4 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.5 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 8     BRAF  466   G       E    Braf QRIGSGSFGTV ENSP00000288602
## 128.6 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 414   TP53  266   G       R    Tp53 SGNLLGRNSFE ENSP00000352610
##                  RatProt RatAAno RatSequence
## 128   ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.1 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.2 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.3 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.4 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.5 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 8     ENSRNOP00000014604     411 QRIGSGSFGTV
## 128.6 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 414   ENSRNOP00000047840     264 SGNLLGRDSFE
ChangList2[(na.omit(Xc)), ]
##         Gene AAno AA1 Variant RatGene    Sequence         HumProt
## 415     HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.1   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.2   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 1253  PIK3CA  350   D       N  Pik3ca NVNIRDIDKIY ENSP00000263967
## 415.3   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.4   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.5   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 555     BRAF  466   G       V    Braf QRIGSGSFGTV ENSP00000288602
## 347   PIK3CA  118   G       D  Pik3ca LNREIGFAIGM ENSP00000263967
## 415.6   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 299     TP53  266   G       R    Tp53 SGNLLGRNSFE ENSP00000352610
## 69    PIK3CA  542   E       K  Pik3ca RDPLSEITEQE ENSP00000263967
##                  RatProt RatAAno RatSequence
## 415   ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.1 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.2 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 1253  ENSRNOP00000072496     350 NVNIRDIDKIY
## 415.3 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.4 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.5 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 555   ENSRNOP00000014604     411 QRIGSGSFGTV
## 347   ENSRNOP00000072496     118 LNREIGFVIGM
## 415.6 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 299   ENSRNOP00000047840     264 SGNLLGRDSFE
## 69    ENSRNOP00000072496     542 RDPLSEITEQE

Xb=match(paste(MeltCosmic$HumGene, MeltCosmic$HumAAno), paste(BList$Gene,BList$AAno))
Xc=match(paste(MeltCosmic$HumGene, MeltCosmic$HumAAno), paste(ChangList2$Gene, ChangList2$AAno))
x3=c(which(!, which(!
x4=unique(c(x2, x3))
DT::datatable(MeltCosmic[x4, c(1,5,6)], rownames=F, class='cell-border stripe',
          extensions="Buttons", options=list(dom="Bfrtip", buttons=c('csv', 'excel')))

BList[(na.omit(Xb)), ]
##       Gene AAno AA1 Variant RatGene    Sequence         HumProt
## 128   HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.1 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.2 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.3 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.4 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 128.5 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 8     BRAF  466   G       E    Braf QRIGSGSFGTV ENSP00000288602
## 128.6 HRAS   12   G       R    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 414   TP53  266   G       R    Tp53 SGNLLGRNSFE ENSP00000352610
##                  RatProt RatAAno RatSequence
## 128   ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.1 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.2 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.3 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.4 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 128.5 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 8     ENSRNOP00000014604     411 QRIGSGSFGTV
## 128.6 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 414   ENSRNOP00000047840     264 SGNLLGRDSFE
ChangList2[(na.omit(Xc)), ]
##         Gene AAno AA1 Variant RatGene    Sequence         HumProt
## 415     HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.1   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.2   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 1253  PIK3CA  350   D       N  Pik3ca NVNIRDIDKIY ENSP00000263967
## 415.3   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.4   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 415.5   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 555     BRAF  466   G       V    Braf QRIGSGSFGTV ENSP00000288602
## 347   PIK3CA  118   G       D  Pik3ca LNREIGFAIGM ENSP00000263967
## 1178     ATM 3008   R       H     Atm NKVAERVLMRL ENSP00000388058
## 415.6   HRAS   12   G       D    Hras VVVGAGGVGKS ENSP00000380722
## 299     TP53  266   G       R    Tp53 SGNLLGRNSFE ENSP00000352610
## 69    PIK3CA  542   E       K  Pik3ca RDPLSEITEQE ENSP00000263967
##                  RatProt RatAAno RatSequence
## 415   ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.1 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.2 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 1253  ENSRNOP00000072496     350 NVNIRDIDKIY
## 415.3 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.4 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 415.5 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 555   ENSRNOP00000014604     411 QRIGSGSFGTV
## 347   ENSRNOP00000072496     118 LNREIGFVIGM
## 1178  ENSRNOP00000072646    3014 NKVAERVLMRL
## 415.6 ENSRNOP00000022363      12 VVVGAGGVGKS
## 299   ENSRNOP00000047840     264 SGNLLGRDSFE
## 69    ENSRNOP00000072496     542 RDPLSEITEQE

And here, we plot the frequency of these different mutations

## [1] 383
Nx=paste(MeltCosmic$Gene[idx], MeltCosmic$AAno[idx])
T2=sort(table(Nx), decreasing = T)

#pdf("~/Desktop/Frequency_of_mutations.pdf", height=6, width=9)
barplot(T2[ind2]/31, ylim=c(0, 1), main="most frequent coding mutations with human homolog", las=2)
most frequent mutations

Figure 22.3: most frequent mutations


Also filter these to breast specific aberrations: CHECK THIS

MeltComicB=MeltCosmic[which(MeltCosmic$Gene_Symbol%in%RatBreastCosmic), ]

Nx=paste(MeltComicB$Gene[idx], MeltComicB$AAno[idx])
T2a=sort(table(Nx), decreasing = T)

## integer(0)

T2b=sort(table(MeltComicB$Gene_Symbol), decreasing = T)

## Arid1a  Foxa1  Brca2   Flna Pik3ca   Tp53 
##      6      5      3      3      3      2

#pdf("~/Desktop/Frequency_of_mutations.pdf", height=6, width=9)
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# barplot(T2a/31, ylim=c(0, 0.2), main="most frequent BRCA with human homolog", las=2)
# barplot(T2b/31, ylim=c(0, 0.2), main="most frequent coding BRCA mutations", las=2)

Nx=paste(MeltCosmic$Gene, MeltCosmic$AAno)
T2=sort(table(Nx), decreasing = T)
#pdf("~/Desktop/Frequency_of_mutations_2.pdf", height=6, width=9)
barplot(T2[ind2]/31, ylim=c(0, 1), main="most frequent coding mutations ", las=2)

tableout=data.frame(gene=names(T2[ind2]), ncount=T2[ind2], freq=T2[ind2]/31,
                    humanHom=ifelse(names(T2[ind2])%in%ttemp, 1, 0))

#write.csv(tableout, file="nature-tables/Ext1k_maybe.csv")
DT::datatable(tableout, rownames=F, class='cell-border stripe',
          extensions="Buttons", options=list(dom="Bfrtip", buttons=c('csv', 'excel')))

We can also use the cosmic mutational database to see whether any of these mutations overlap: (version 92)


Edit the stuff here:

Ax1=match(paste(MeltCosmic$HumGene, MeltCosmic$HumAAno), paste(Cmut$GENE_NAME, Cmut$AA_MUT_START))
##   [1]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 3579426      NA      NA 1934438
##  [10]      NA      NA      NA      NA 3182147      NA      NA      NA      NA
##  [19]      NA 2997088      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
##  [28]      NA 1059801      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2804349      NA
##  [37] 4470423      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 4131069      NA
##  [46]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
##  [55] 2804349      NA 4470423      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
##  [64] 1442364      NA      NA      NA  972952      NA      NA      NA      NA
##  [73]      NA 2804349      NA      NA 4470423 1813967 1225033      NA      NA
##  [82]      NA      NA 3408942      NA  536410      NA      NA      NA      NA
##  [91]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2321788      NA      NA      NA
## [100]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [109]      NA      NA      NA      NA 2321788 3579612  249764  249764      NA
## [118]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2997088      NA      NA
## [127]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [136]      NA      NA      NA 4437142      NA      NA      NA  329517      NA
## [145] 2997088      NA      NA      NA      NA 2387389      NA      NA      NA
## [154]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [163]      NA      NA 4470675  299229      NA 3947247      NA      NA      NA
## [172] 1967695 2997088      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [181]      NA      NA      NA 3817808      NA      NA      NA 4325112      NA
## [190]      NA 3579612      NA      NA  299229      NA 2997088      NA      NA
## [199]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [208]      NA      NA      NA 3579612  249764  249764  299229 1462810 2997088
## [217] 1864157      NA      NA      NA      NA 1572878      NA      NA      NA
## [226]      NA      NA      NA      NA  323572      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [235] 2804349      NA 4470423      NA      NA      NA      NA 2997088      NA
## [244]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2321788      NA      NA
## [253]  249764  249764      NA 1211561  231932 2997088 1875629      NA      NA
## [262]      NA      NA  535044      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [271]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA  858704 1923136      NA      NA
## [280] 1706912      NA      NA      NA      NA  220696 2382160      NA      NA
## [289]      NA      NA      NA 3140387 3579612      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [298]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2997088      NA  569243
## [307] 3182147      NA 1238663      NA      NA      NA 2779340      NA      NA
## [316] 2493470      NA      NA 3579612 2804611      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [325]      NA      NA 3333928      NA  860990      NA      NA 2997088      NA
## [334] 1944909      NA      NA      NA  640765      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [343]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2804349
## [352]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [361]      NA  660372  403079      NA      NA  219815      NA      NA      NA
## [370]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2804349
## [379]      NA      NA 2997088      NA      NA      NA 2065818      NA      NA
## [388]      NA      NA      NA 2762883      NA      NA      NA      NA 3277818
## [397]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA  833869      NA      NA      NA
## [406]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 3579612      NA      NA
## [415]      NA      NA 1863647      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 4130777
## [424]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2321788      NA      NA      NA
## [433]      NA 2997088      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [442]      NA 4239300 1803203      NA      NA      NA      NA  119744      NA
## [451]      NA      NA      NA 2997088 1875594      NA 2169357      NA      NA
## [460]      NA      NA 1480666      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [469]      NA 4253020      NA 2417918      NA      NA 4107129 3634329      NA
## [478] 4341899 2107476      NA      NA      NA      NA 3579612      NA 3447720
## [487] 4470284      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 1026414
## [496]      NA 1240808 2997088 1875554 1768181      NA      NA 3913348 3794827
## [505]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [514]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [523]      NA      NA 3884698 2997088      NA      NA 2854296      NA      NA
## [532]  206581      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [541]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA  860979  860989      NA
## [550] 2997088      NA      NA  363033 2381738      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [559] 2321788  323180 2603243  249764      NA 3565143      NA      NA      NA
## [568]      NA      NA      NA      NA 1545806      NA 1864218      NA      NA
## [577]      NA 1550110      NA 3096457      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [586]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 1813963      NA      NA
## [595]  860979  860989      NA      NA 2997088      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [604]      NA      NA      NA 4268634      NA      NA 3402625      NA      NA
## [613]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 1871605      NA      NA      NA
## [622]      NA      NA      NA  219815      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [631]      NA      NA      NA      NA 2997088      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [640]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2198895 3833218
## [649]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## [658]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 2787457      NA      NA
## [667]  219815      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA 3451450
## [676]      NA 4471138      NA      NA      NA  860979  860989      NA      NA
## [685]      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
head(paste(MeltCosmic$HumGene, MeltCosmic$HumAAno))
## [1] "NCOR2 NA"   "NCOR2 1990" "CLIP1 NA"   "CLIP1 859"  "CXCR4 10"  
## [6] "NRG1 209"
head(paste(Cmut$GENE_NAME, Cmut$AA_MUT_START))
## [1] "SYNPO2L 251" "SYNPO2L 669" "SYNPO2L 889" "SYNPO2L 407" "SYNPO2L 593"
## [6] "SYNPO2L 24"
tempA=Cmut[ na.omit(Ax1), c("GENE_NAME","Mutation.CDS", "Mutation.AA", "CLINVAR_CLNSIG")]
              rownames=F, class='cell-border stripe',
          extensions="Buttons", options=list(dom="Bfrtip", buttons=c('csv', 'excel')))

write.csv(tempA, file="nature-tables/CosmicMutCensus_mutations.csv")

22.3 Plots

22.3.1 Quick overview

WGS all mutations summary: Look at the overall mutation burden, and the tumor mutational burden, defined as # coding mutations per MB.

The following plot lists tumors in increasing size

Make plots of:

  • overall types of mutations per sample (ranked by size)
  • correlation between mutation type and size
  • type of mutation?

TabSamples=lapply(AllMutWGScoding, function(x) table(factor(x$Variant_Classification, levels=SearchVars)))
namidx=sapply(strsplit(names(TabSamples2), "\\."), function(x) x[1])
namidx2=sapply(strsplit(names(TabSamples2), "\\."), function(x) x[2])
namidx3=sapply(namidx, function(x) Cdata$NewID[grep(x, Cdata$WGS)])
TotTabl=data.frame(val=TabSamples2, nam=namidx, variant=namidx2, nam2=namidx3)

## remove 0 samples
# searchNo=stack(by(TotTabl$val, TotTabl$variant, sum))
# TotTabl=TotTabl[ which(TotTabl$variant %in% searchNo$ind[which(searchNo$values!=0)]), ]

lx1=match(TotTabl$nam2, Cdata$NewID, function(x) tryCatch({x[1]}, error=function(e){NA}))

TotTabl=TotTabl[order(TotTabl$Size, TotTabl$val), ]


TotTabl$nam2=factor(TotTabl$nam2, levels=levelNam)
##pdf(sprintf("rslt/WGS/coding_mutation_types_%s.pdf", Sys.Date()), height=6, width=9)
#pdf("~/Desktop/No_mutations_VAFncount_adjusted_TMB.pdf", height = 5, width=7)
ggplot(TotTabl, aes(x=nam2, y=val/43.423804, fill=variant))+geom_bar(stat="identity")+scale_fill_manual(values=c("black", brewer.pal(9, "Set1")))+theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))+ylab("Number of coding mutations/Mb")+ggtitle("sorted by increasing tumor size at sac")
summary of mutation burden

Figure 22.4: summary of mutation burden

#write.csv(TotTabl, file="nature-tables/1i.csv")
DT::datatable(TotTabl, rownames=F, class='cell-border stripe',
          extensions="Buttons", options=list(dom="Bfrtip", buttons=c('csv', 'excel')))

Figure 22.4: summary of mutation burden

We can also see whether any of these correlate with size, but didn’t find associations as shown below:

ax1=lapply(sort(SearchVars), function(x) cor.test(TotTabl[TotTabl$variant==x , "val"], TotTabl[TotTabl$variant==x ,  "Size"], use="complete", method="spearman")) 
pvals=sapply(ax1, function(x) x$p.value)
cors=sapply(ax1, function(x) x$estimate)

ann_text2 <- data.frame(lab=paste("cor=", round(cors, 2),"p=", round(pvals,2),sep=""), variant=sort(SearchVars),  val=1, Size=5)

ggplot(TotTabl, aes(x=Size, y=val, col=variant))+geom_point()+facet_wrap(~variant, scale="free")+geom_text(data=ann_text2, aes(label=lab))
#MeltWGSCoding=melt(AllMutWGScoding, measure.vars=c("Tumor_Sample_Barcode"))

22.3.2 Coding variants & TMB

There are a few ways of figuring out the TMB. We can

  • report the number of mutations (missense, insertion/deletion, frameshifts, nonsense)
  • normalise the above value to the known length of coding regions in the rat genome (UCSC exon length 43,423,804)
  • plot of TMB vs objective response rate: there is no true relationship between final tumor size and mutational burden. Could also be confounded by subclonality
searchThese=c("Missense_Mutation", "Nonsense_Mutation", "Frame_Shift_Del", "Frame_Shift_Ins", "Nonstop_Mutation")
NVar2=TotTabl[TotTabl$variant%in%searchThese, ]
Ntot=by(NVar2$val, NVar2$nam, sum)
# check this is unique based on the location
TotMut=sapply(AllMutWGS, nrow)
Ntot2$TotalMut=TotMut[match(Ntot2$ind, names(TotMut))]
Ntot2$Tum.size=TotTabl$Size[match(Ntot2$ind, TotTabl$nam)]
Ntot2=Ntot2[order(Ntot2$Tum.size), ]

Ntot2$ID2=sapply(Ntot2$ind, function(x) Cdata$NewID[grep(x, Cdata$WGS)])
Ntot2=Ntot2[order(Ntot2$Tum.size), ]

Ntot2$cohort=Cdata$Char.Cohort.Batch[match(Ntot2$ID2, Cdata$NewID)]

Ntot2melt$ID2=factor(Ntot2melt$ID2, levels=IDfact)

#pdf(sprintf("~/Desktop/frequency_mutational_types_VAF_ncount#2_%s.pdf", Sys.Date()), height=10, width=6)
ggplot(Ntot2melt, aes(x=ID2, y=value, col=variable))+geom_bar(stat="identity")+facet_grid(variable~., scale="free_y")+
summary of mutational burden?

Figure 22.5: summary of mutational burden?
write.csv(Ntot2melt, file="nature-tables/1i_maybe.csv")
## As a metric for TMB, comapre the number of mutations to the covered genome

Calculate whether there is an association of TMB with cohort type:

Ntot2melt$size2=Cdata$[match(Ntot2melt$ID2, Cdata$NewID)]

ax1=lapply(sort(SearchVars), function(x) cor.test(TotTabl[TotTabl$variant==x , "val"], TotTabl[TotTabl$variant==x ,  "Size"], use="complete", method="spearman")) 
pvals=sapply(ax1, function(x) x$p.value)
cors=sapply(ax1, function(x) x$estimate)

# # p value calculation: figure out the latency and penetrance
# pvalOutputs=sapply(c("NCodingMut", "TMB", "TotalMut","Tum.size",
#                      "NsynFreq") , function(x) t.test(Ntot2[ Ntot2$cohort!="cohort-2",x]~ Ntot2$cohort[Ntot2$cohort!="cohort-2"])$p.value)
# # cohort size calculation
# corOutputs=sapply(c("NCodingMut", "TMB", "TotalMut",
#                      "NsynFreq") , function(x) cor.test(Ntot2[ ,x], Ntot2$Tum.size)$p.value)
# ann_text2 <- data.frame(lab=paste("p=", round(pvalOutputs, 2)), val=1, Size=5, cohort="latency-4",
#                         variable=c("NCodingMut", "TMB", "TotalMut", "Tum.size","NsynFreq"))

ggplot(Ntot2melt, aes(x=cohort, y=value, col=cohort))+geom_boxplot()+geom_point()+facet_wrap(~variable, scale="free_y")+theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))#+geom_text(data=ann_text2, aes(label=lab, x=1, y=0))
assoc of mutations with cohort

Figure 22.6: assoc of mutations with cohort

# ann_text2 <- data.frame(lab=paste("p=", round(corOutputs, 2)), val=1, Size=5, cohort="latency-4",
#                         variable=c("NCodingMut", "TMB", "TotalMut",
#                      "NsynFreq"))

ggplot(Ntot2melt, aes(x=size2, y=value, col=cohort))+geom_point()+facet_wrap(~variable, scale="free_y")+theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90))#+geom_text(data=ann_text2, aes(label=lab, x=10, y=0))

write.csv(Ntot2melt, file = "nature-tables/Ext1h-i.csv")
# To obtain an idea of the coverage:
Using bedtools and samtools
here, counting only "propoet pairs" with maping quality greater than 30
see (
samtools view -u -q 30 -f 0x2 aln.bam | coverageBed -abam stdin -b exons.bed > exons.bed.proper.q30.coverage

22.4 Comparison with rat mutational datasets

22.4.1 Sites which are commonly mutated?

Could this be a variant (SD strain “rsSNP”) or is it actually a mutation?

Variants were annotated with snpeff. Raw data from this was obtained from

harlanRats@fix[ ,1]=paste("chr", harlanRats@fix[ ,1], sep="")
harlanRats@fix[ ,3]=paste("H", harlanRats@fix[ ,3], sep=".")
harlanRats@meta=harlanRats@meta[-grep("##contig",harlanRats@meta )]

# figure out the genotype distribution
GT=sapply(1:nrow(harlanRats@gt), function(x) 
  table(factor(harlanRats@gt[x, -1],levels=c("0/0","0/1","1/1"))))
GT2=paste(GT[1, ], GT[2, ], GT[3, ], sep=",")
GT3=paste(GT[1, ]/2281, GT[2, ]/2281, GT[3, ]/2281, sep=",")

GenotypeS=cbind(FORMAT="GT", Annot=c("0/0,0/1,1/1"), GT2, GT3 )
## save this to file or something
write.vcf(harlanRats, file="~/Desktop/dbSNP_info/harlan_snps_mod_1-5-2020.vcf.gz")

# loading the charles river rat snp sites
CRRats@fix[ ,1]=paste("chr", CRRats@fix[ ,1], sep="")
CRRats@fix[ ,3]=paste("CR", CRRats@fix[ ,3], sep=".")
CRRats@meta=CRRats@meta[-grep("##contig",CRRats@meta )]

crGT=sapply(1:nrow(CRRats@gt), function(x) 
  table(factor(CRRats@gt[x, -1],levels=c("0/0","0/1","1/1"))))
crGT2=paste(crGT[1, ], crGT[2, ], crGT[3, ], sep=",")
crGT3=paste(crGT[1, ]/1780, crGT[2, ]/1780, crGT[3, ]/1780, sep=",")
GenotypeS=cbind(FORMAT="GT", Annot=c("0/0,0/1,1/1"), crGT2, crGT3 )
write.vcf(CRRats, file="~/Desktop/dbSNP_info/charlesRiver_snps_mod_1-5-2020.vcf.gz")

Note that the nihRats package may not be required here. We probably just want the harlan snps

# loading known list of rat snp sites
#nihRats@fix[ ,1]=paste("chr", nihRats@fix[ ,1], sep="")
r=regexpr("[a-z]+_[a-z]+",nihRats@fix[ ,8]) #ANN=[A-Z]\\|
ModType=rep(NA, length(nihRats@fix[ ,8]))
ModType[r!=-1]=regmatches(nihRats@fix[ ,8], r)
#ModType=substr(ModType, 7, 25)
# Harlan samples

GT3=crGT3=1-as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(harlanRats@gt[ ,4], ","), function(x) x[1]))

r=regexpr("ANN=[A-Z]\\|[a-z]+_[a-z]+", harlanRats@fix[ ,8])
HarType=rep(NA, length(harlanRats@fix[ ,8]))
HarType[r!=-1]=regmatches(harlanRats@fix[ ,8], r)
HarType=substr(HarType, 7, 25)
# charles river samples
crGT3=1-as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(CRRats@gt[ ,4], ","), function(x) x[1]))

r=regexpr("ANN=[A-Z]\\|[a-z]+_[a-z]+", CRRats@fix[ ,8])
CRType=rep(NA, length(CRRats@fix[ ,8]))
CRType[r!=-1]=regmatches(CRRats@fix[ ,8], r)

CRType=substr(CRType, 7, 25)
# This is just a plot that compares the different databases.
## Look at the overlap between all the databases:
NIHr=paste(nihRats@fix[ ,1], nihRats@fix[ ,2])
harr=paste(harlanRats@fix[ ,1], harlanRats@fix[ ,2])
crr=paste(CRRats@fix[ ,1], CRRats@fix[ ,2])

# overview of the overlaps
venn(list(NIH=NIHr, harlan=harr, CR=crr))

## Annotate the above variants for protein coding regions first, then narrow down to known 
AllLevels=unique(c(HarType, CRType, ModType))
allTypes=rbind(table(factor(ModType, levels=AllLevels)), table(factor(HarType, levels=AllLevels)),
               table(factor(CRType, levels = AllLevels)))
rownames(allTypes)=c("NIH", "harlan", "CR")

ggplot(t2[which(t2$value<0.04),  ], aes(x=Var1, y=value, fill=Var2))+geom_bar(stat = "identity")+ylab("frequency snp type")+xlab("dataset")

SearchVars=c("missense_variant","stop_lost", "stop_gained", "initiator_codon", "start_lost", "frameshift_variant")

venn(list(NIH=NIHr2, harlan=harr2, CR=crr2))
mtext("any coding variant", side=3)

## Genes affected
r=regexpr("[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+\\|ENSRNOG", harlanRats@fix[which(HarType%in%SearchVars),8])
codhrgrp=rep(NA, length(which(HarType%in%SearchVars)))
codhrgrp[r!=-1]=regmatches(harlanRats@fix[which(HarType%in%SearchVars),8], r)
codhrgrp=substr(codhrgrp, 1, nchar(codhrgrp)-8)

r=regexpr("[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+\\|ENSRNOG", CRRats@fix[which(CRType%in%SearchVars),8])
codcrgrp=rep(NA, length(which(CRType%in%SearchVars)))
codcrgrp[r!=-1]=regmatches(CRRats@fix[which(CRType%in%SearchVars),8], r)
codcrgrp=substr(codhrgrp, 1, nchar(codcrgrp)-8)

r=regexpr("[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+\\|ENSRNOG", nihRats@fix[which(ModType%in%SearchVars),8])
codnihgrp=rep(NA, length(which(ModType%in%SearchVars)))
codnihgrp[r!=-1]=regmatches(nihRats@fix[which(ModType%in%SearchVars),8], r)
codnihgrp=substr(codnihgrp, 1, nchar(codnihgrp)-8)

venn(list(NIH=codnihgrp, harlan=codhrgrp, CR=codcrgrp))
mtext("any cosmic coding variant", side=3)

## Look for Cosmic specific genes
codnihgrp2=codnihgrp[codnihgrp%in%RatCosmic] #c(RatBreastCosmic, codhrgrp2, "Tert", "Atm")]

Look at the distribution of mutations:

Whole genome

  • 1188 genes in more than 2 animals (1435 in at least 2)
  • 59 variants were identified as population variant in Harlan
  • 47 in charles river (6 are novel in this cohort only)

Cosmic genes:

  • 42 sites which have mutations in more than 2 animals
  • 50 sites in more than 1 animal
  • 5 sites which have been identified in GWAS studies of harlan rats. On average, the variant is found at a frequency of ~15%. The CR set, these variants appear in 50% of the population
  • 4 of the 5 rats from above were identified in
  • 0 sites in the nih dbSNP database for rats
# Check TGFBr polymorphisms:

r=grep("Tgfb", harlanRats@fix[,8])
write.vcf(harlanRatsTgfb, file="~/Desktop/harlanRats_Tgfb.vcf.gz")

r=grep("Tgfb", CRRats@fix[,8])
write.vcf(CRRatsTgfb, file="~/Desktop/CRRats_Tgfb.vcf.gz")

r=grep("Tgfb", nihRats@fix[,8])
write.vcf(nihRatsTgfb, file="~/Desktop/nih_Tgfb.vcf.gz")

Here, compare the frequencies of the most common mutations in our population with those reported in the harlan and charles river data-bases:

  • filter out mutatations occuring in 2+ samples
## Firstly whole genome
lx1=table(paste(MeltWGSCoding$Chromosome, MeltWGSCoding$Start_Position))
lx1=sort(lx1, decreasing=T)

## [1] 1346
WGSList=strsplit(WGSList, " ")
WGSList=data.frame(chr=sapply(WGSList, function(x) x[1]), pos=sapply(WGSList, function(x) x[2]), freq=lx1[which(lx1>Nsamp)])
WGSList$gene=as.character(MeltWGSCoding$Gene_Symbol[match(WGSList[ ,2], MeltWGSCoding$Start_Position)])
WGSList$AA=as.character(MeltWGSCoding$HGVSp_Short[match(WGSList[ ,2], MeltWGSCoding$Start_Position)])
WGSList$VariantClass=as.character(MeltWGSCoding$Variant_Classification[match(WGSList[ ,2], MeltWGSCoding$Start_Position)])
WGSList$Cosmic=ifelse(WGSList$gene%in%RatCosmic, 1, 0)

## Secondly, cosmic specific genes

## WGSList
midx=match(WGSList$freq.Var1, paste(harlanRats@fix[ ,1], harlanRats@fix[ ,2], sep=" "))
midx=match(WGSList$freq.Var1, paste(nihRats@fix[ ,1], nihRats@fix[ ,2], sep=" "))
WGSList$rsID=nihRats@fix[midx, 3]
## CR
midx=match(WGSList$freq.Var1, paste(CRRats@fix[ ,1], CRRats@fix[ ,2], sep=" "))

WGSplot=melt(WGSList[ ,c("freq.Freq", "gene", "VariantClass", "HarlanFreq", "CRFreq", "Cosmic")], measure.vars = c("HarlanFreq", "CRFreq"))
WGSplot=WGSplot[-which($value)), ]

ggplot(WGSplot, aes(x=freq.Freq/16, y=value, col=VariantClass, label=WGSplot$gene))+facet_grid(~variable)+geom_point()+
  geom_text(size=(WGSplot$Cosmic+3), col="black", nudge_y=0.01)+xlab("Cohort frequency")+ylab("Database frequency")+theme_bw()+theme(legend.position="bottom")+ggtitle("all genes compared to Harlan Frequencies")

DT::datatable(WGSplot[WGSplot$Cosmic==1, ],class='cell-border stripe', extensions="Buttons", options=list(dom="Bfrtip", buttons=c('csv', 'excel'), scrollX=T))

22.5 Overview of the mutations

22.5.1 All mutations

SNPs are removed from this analysis: based on frequencies in the harlan cohort

Color codes:

  • black:
  • pink:
  • green:
  • blue:
palette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))

Nmut=86 ## was previously 92: this appears at least 17 times

rmHarlanSNP=WGSList[which(!$HarlanFreq)), ]
x1a=which(MeltWGSCoding$Gene_Symbol%in%rmHarlanSNP$gene &  MeltWGSCoding$Start_Position%in%rmHarlanSNP$pos)
MeltWGSCodingB=MeltWGSCoding[-x1a, ]

rGeneOut=acast(MeltWGSCodingB[ ,c("Gene_Symbol", "L1", "Variant_Classification")], L1~Gene_Symbol, 
               value.var="Variant_Classification", fun.aggregate=function(x) paste(x, collapse = ", "))

rGeneOut2[grep("Missense_", rGeneOut2)]=1
rGeneOut2[grep("Splice_", rGeneOut2)]=4

rGeneOut2=apply(rGeneOut2, 2, as.numeric)

#get rid of genes which are associated with Olfactory receptors, AABR etc mutations
rmThese=c("^AABR", "^Olr", "^LOC", "^AC[0-9]+", "^RGD", "^Rpl", "^1700", "^RT1", "^ENSRNOG", "^Vom2")
rmList=unlist(sapply(rmThese, function(x) grep(x, colnames(rGeneOut2))))
rGeneOut2=rGeneOut2[ ,-rmList]

GeneList=colSums(sign(rGeneOut2), na.rm=T)
samp2=rowSums(sign(rGeneOut2), na.rm=T)
rGeneOut2=rGeneOut2[ order(samp2, decreasing=T),]

topN=names(sort(GeneList, decreasing=T)[1:Nmut])

# do a plot of the top 30 most common mutations
tempx=rGeneOut2[ ,topN]
a2=heatmap(tempx, col=c("white", 1:9), scale="none", main="all mutations in cosmic")

RowSC=ifelse(colnames(tempx)%in% c(RatCosmic, as.character(AllCancerPathwayGenes)), "black", "white")

heatmap.2(tempx, Rowv = NA, Colv = NA,scale="none", trace="none", col=c("white", 1:4), ColSideColors=RowSC)

# check if any of these are hotspot mutations
Hotspots=MeltCosmic[which(!$HumSequence)==T), ]
##  [1] Gene_Symbol                   Entrez_Gene_Id               
##  [3] Center                        NCBI_Build                   
##  [5] Chromosome                    Start_Position               
##  [7] End_Position                  Strand                       
##  [9] Variant_Classification        Variant_Type                 
## [11] Reference_Allele              Tumor_Seq_Allele1            
## [13] Tumor_Seq_Allele2             dbSNP_RS                     
## [15] dbSNP_Val_Status              Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode  
## [17] Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1        Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2       
## [19] Tumor_Validation_Allele1      Tumor_Validation_Allele2     
## [21] Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2
## [23] Verification_Status           Validation_Status            
## [25] Mutation_Status               Sequencing_Phase             
## [27] Sequence_Source               Validation_Method            
## [29] Score                         BAM_file                     
## [31] Sequencer                     t_alt_count                  
## [33] t_ref_count                   n_alt_count                  
## [35] n_ref_count                   HGVSp_Short                  
## [37] VAF                           variable                     
## [39] value                         L1                           
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

HList=sapply(1:nrow(Hotspots), function(i) ifelse(amat[match(Hotspots$L1[i], rownames(amat)),match(Hotspots$Gene_Symbol[i], colnames(amat))]>0, 
                                                 paste(match(Hotspots$L1[i], rownames(amat)),match(Hotspots$Gene_Symbol[i], colnames(amat))), "0 0"))
List2=strsplit(as.character(HList), " ")
Xcord=na.omit(as.numeric(sapply(List2, function(x) x[1])))
Ycord=na.omit(as.numeric(sapply(List2, function(x) x[2])))
return(list(X=Xcord, Y=Ycord))

## top 90 mutations
a2=heatmap.2(sign(tempx), trace="none", col=c("white", "grey"))

tempxb=tempx[a2$rowInd, a2$colInd]
rownames(tempxb)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(rownames(tempxb), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]

## character(0)

tempy=rGeneOut2[ ,match(GeneList, colnames(rGeneOut2))]
#a2=heatmap.2(sign(tempy), trace="none", col=c("white", "grey"))
#tempyb=tempy[a2$rowInd, a2$colInd]
#rownames(tempyb)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(rownames(tempyb), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]

##cosmic genes
tempz=rGeneOut2[ ,x1]
a2=heatmap.2(sign(tempz), trace="none", col=c("white", 1:4))

tempzb=tempz[a2$rowInd, a2$colInd]

tempz2=tempzb[ , -x2]


rownames(tempzb)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(rownames(tempzb), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]
rownames(tempz2)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(rownames(tempz2), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]


save(topN, topCOSMIC, file="outputs/genes-selected-common-WGX-mutations.RData")

write.csv(rGeneOut[ , x1], file="nature-tables/1k-mutations.csv")

Note that in this table, the distribution of samples with mutations is as follows:

2695, 591, 289, 282, 131, 70, 45, 39, 40, 23, 15, 20, 19, 8, 8, 18, 10, 14, 5, 4, 14, 8, 6, 6, 1, 4, 8, 3, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

The number of genes which have shared mutations in 10 or more samples is:

4622, which is why we have use these values here.

The number of genes which are cosmic associated are:

221 and the number which appear in more than 1 sample is 82.

These genes are tabulated below: (nice figures generated here).

### keep these values

#pdf(sprintf("~/Desktop/summary_mutations_top90_human_homology_%s.pdf", Sys.Date()), width=14, height=7)

## $X
##  [1] 19  9  9  6  8  7 11 11 13 13 13 12 12 24 24 22 22 23 23  4  4 21 21 21 18
## [26] 16 16 16 17 17 17 30 30  5  5 15 14 25 25 25 31 31 31 27 27 27 27 28 28 28
## [51] 28  3  3  3  1  2  2  2 10 10 20 20 29 29 26 26
## attr(,"na.action")
##   [1]   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  21  22  23
##  [19]  24  25  26  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  40  42  43  44
##  [37]  45  46  48  49  50  51  53  55  56  57  58  59  61  62  63  64  65  67
##  [55]  68  69  70  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  85  86  87
##  [73]  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  96  97  98  99 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
##  [91] 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 125 128 129 130
## [109] 132 133 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
## [127] 153 154 156 157 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 171 172 174
## [145] 175 176 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
## [163] 196 197 198 199 201 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 216 217
## [181] 218 219 220 221 222 223 225 227 229 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 240
## [199] 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 253 254 255 257 258 259 260
## [217] 262 263 264 265 266 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 277 278 281 282 283 284
## [235] 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 296 297 298 299 300 302 303 304 306 307
## [253] 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 323 324 326 327
## [271] 328 329 330 332 333 334 335 336 338 339 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348
## [289] 349 350 353 354 356 357 358 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370
## [307] 371 372 374 375 376 378 379 380 381 382 383
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "omit"
## $Y
##  [1]  7 78  1 78 78 78 78  7 78  7  1 78  1 78  1 78  1 78  1  7  1 78  7  1  7
## [26] 78  7  1 78  7  1 78  7 78  1 78 78 78  7  1 78  1 73 78  7  1 73 78  7  7
## [51]  1 78  7  1 78 78  7  1 78  7  7  1 78  7 78  7
## attr(,"na.action")
##   [1]   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  21  22  23
##  [19]  24  25  26  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  40  42  43  44
##  [37]  45  46  48  49  50  51  53  55  56  57  58  59  61  62  63  64  65  67
##  [55]  68  69  70  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80  81  82  83  85  86  87
##  [73]  88  89  90  91  92  93  94  96  97  98  99 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
##  [91] 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 125 128 129 130
## [109] 132 133 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
## [127] 153 154 156 157 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 171 172 174
## [145] 175 176 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
## [163] 196 197 198 199 201 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 216 217
## [181] 218 219 220 221 222 223 225 227 229 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 240
## [199] 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 253 254 255 257 258 259 260
## [217] 262 263 264 265 266 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 277 278 281 282 283 284
## [235] 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 296 297 298 299 300 302 303 304 306 307
## [253] 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 323 324 326 327
## [271] 328 329 330 332 333 334 335 336 338 339 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348
## [289] 349 350 353 354 356 357 358 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370
## [307] 371 372 374 375 376 378 379 380 381 382 383
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "omit"

 par(mar = c(4, 8, 4, 2),  xpd = TRUE)
 image(t(tempxb), col=c("white", 1:3), xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
 axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, length=ncol(tempxb)), colnames(tempxb), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
 axis(2, at=seq(0, 1, length=nrow(tempxb)), rownames(tempxb), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
summary of mutations acccording to frequency cosmic

Figure 22.7: summary of mutations acccording to frequency cosmic

# text(na.omit(hotspot1b$Y-1)/(ncol(tempxb)-1), na.omit(hotspot1b$X-1)/(nrow(tempxb)-1) , "*")
# legend("top", inset = c(-0.5, -0.15),    legend = c("missense","frameshift", "Nonsense", "splice", "hotspot human"),  pch = c(19, 19, 19,19, 8),  col = c(1:4, "black"), horiz = T)
# mtext("top 90 mutations", side=3, line=-1, outer=T)

Below is the above list refined according to cosmic specifc genes, and listing

# par(mar = c(4, 8, 4, 2),  xpd = TRUE)
# image(t(tempyb), col=c("white", 1:4), xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
# axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, length=ncol(tempyb)), colnames(tempyb), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)
# axis(2, at=seq(0, 1, length=nrow(tempyb)), rownames(tempyb), las=2, cex.axis=0.5)
# text(na.omit(hotspot2$Y-1)/(ncol(tempyb)-1), na.omit(hotspot2$X-1)/(nrow(tempyb)-1) , "*")
# legend("top", inset = c(-0.5, -0.15),    legend = c("missense","frameshift", "Nonsense", "splice", "hotspot human"),  pch = c(19, 19, 19,19, 8),  col = c(1:4, "black"), horiz = T)
# mtext(" 'Hotspot' mutations only", side=3, line=-1, outer=T)

## Plot by picking out cancer related genes
#pdf("figure-outputs/1k_redo.pdf", height=7.5, width=17.3)
palette(brewer.pal(8, "Set1"))
par(mar = c(4, 8, 4, 2),  xpd = TRUE)
image(t(tempzb), col=c("white", 1:4), xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, length=ncol(tempzb)), colnames(tempzb), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
axis(2, at=seq(0, 1, length=nrow(tempzb)), rownames(tempzb), las=2,  cex.axis=0.7)
#text(na.omit(hotspotzb$Y-1)/(ncol(tempzb)-1), na.omit(hotspotzb$X-1)/(nrow(tempzb)-1) , "*")
legend("top", inset = c(-0.5, -0.15),    legend = c("missense","frameshift", "Nonsense", "splice", "hotspot human"),  pch = c(19, 19, 19,19, 8),  col = c(1:4, "black"), horiz = T)
mtext("Cancer related genes", side=3, line=-1, outer=T)

par(mar = c(4, 8, 4, 2),  xpd = TRUE)
image(t(tempz2), col=c("white", 1:4), xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, length=ncol(tempz2)), colnames(tempz2), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
axis(2, at=seq(0, 1, length=nrow(tempz2)), rownames(tempz2), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
#text(na.omit(hotspotzb2$Y-1)/(ncol(tempz2)-1), na.omit(hotspotzb2$X-1)/(nrow(tempz2)-1) , "*")
legend("top", inset = c(-0.5, -0.15),    legend = c("missense","frameshift", "Nonsense", "splice", "hotspot human"),  pch = c(19, 19, 19,19, 8),  col = c(1:4, "black"), horiz = T)

Extract breast-cancer related information:

OtherBreast=c("Kmt2d", "Kmt2c", "Gata3", "Pten")
X2=rGeneOut2[, na.omit(match(c(RatBreastCosmic, OtherBreast), colnames(rGeneOut2)))]
rownames(X2)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(rownames(X2), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]
X2b=X2[order(X2[ ,1], X2[ ,2], X2[ ,7], X2[ ,17], X2[ ,11]),]
heatmap.2(X2b, col=c("white", 1:4), scale="none", trace="none", sepcolor="grey85", colsep=c(1:ncol(X2b)), rowsep=c(1:nrow(X2b)), sepwidth=c(0.005, 0.005))

# Also save this information to file for pathway maps:

22.6 Metacore analysis of commonly mutated pathways

Save these lists for metacore

write.csv(allMut, file=sprintf("outputs/all_mut_rat_WGS_coding_metacore_%s.csv", Sys.Date()), row.names = F, quote=F)

write.csv(allMut, file=sprintf("outputs/all_mut_rat_WES_cosmic_metacore_%s.csv", Sys.Date()), row.names = F, quote=F)

Load the metacore results:

Process_Networks=readxl::read_excel("../data/wholegenome_mutations/all rat WES coding process networks-jan2021.xls", 1, skip=2)
#Pathway_Maps=readxl::read_excel("../data/wholegenome_mutations/all rat WES pathway maps coding-cosmic.xls", 1, skip = 2)

Terms_PN=strsplit(Process_Networks$Networks, "_")
TermsPN1=sapply(Terms_PN, function(x) x[1])
TermsPN2=sapply(Terms_PN, function(x) x[2])

m1=match(Process_Networks$Networks[n2], names(PathwayMapSet))
#figure out which is significant

N2=lapply(m1, function(x) which(MeltWGSCodingB$Hum_Gene %in% PathwayMapSet[[x]]))
GList2=lapply(N2, function(x) MeltWGSCodingB[x, c("Hum_Gene", "L1")])
SumTable2=sapply(GList2, function(x) summary(factor(x[ ,"L1"], levels=unique(MeltWGSCodingB$L1))))
#listGenes=strsplit(Process_Networks$Network.Objects.from.Active.Data[1:15], ",")

## do this for ERS1 networks
er1=GList2[[8]] #6,8, 35
axtemp=table(er1[ ,1], er1[,2])
colnames(axtemp)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(colnames(axtemp), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS) ) ]
a2=heatmap.2(sign(axtemp), col=brewer.pal(3, "Blues"), trace="none")
summary of metacore common mutated pathways

Figure 22.8: summary of metacore common mutated pathways

image(t(a2$carpet), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", col=c("white", "skyblue"))
axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, length=nrow(axtemp)), colnames(a2$carpet), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
axis(2, at=seq(0, 1, length=ncol(axtemp)), rownames(a2$carpet), las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
summary of metacore common mutated pathways

Figure 22.9: summary of metacore common mutated pathways

# load("../anntotations/Metacore_extracted_pathway_maps_nov2020.RData")
# n2=which(Pathway_Maps$FDR...7<0.001)
# m1=match(Pathway_Maps$Maps[n2], names(PathwayMapSet))

# N2=lapply(m1, function(x) which(MeltWGSCodingB$Hum_Gene %in% PathwayMapSet[[x]]))
# GList2=lapply(N2, function(x) MeltWGSCodingB[x, c("Hum_Gene", "L1")])
# SumTable3=sapply(GList2, function(x) summary(factor(x[ ,"L1"], levels=unique(MeltWGSCodingB$L1))))
# colnames(SumTable3)=Pathway_Maps$Maps[n2]
# #listGenes=strsplit(Process_Networks$Network.Objects.from.Active.Data[1:15], ",")
# head(SumTable3)

#pdf("rslt/WGS/Metacore_analysis_coding_mutations.pdf", height=13, width=13)

par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2, 2,2))
barplot(-log10(as.numeric(Process_Networks$FDR[n2[1:15]])), names.arg = Process_Networks$Networks[n2[1:15]], las=2, main="Process networks all coding", horiz = T, cex.names = 0.5)
# barplot(-log10(as.numeric(Process_Networks$FDR...11[n2[1:15]])), names.arg = Process_Networks$Networks[n2[1:15]], las=2, main="Process networks cosmic only", horiz = T, cex.names = 0.5)
# barplot(-log10(as.numeric(Pathway_Maps$FDR[1:15])), names.arg = Pathway_Maps$Maps[1:15], las=2, main="Pathway Maps", horiz = T, cex.names = 0.5)
summary of metacore common mutated pathways

Figure 22.10: summary of metacore common mutated pathways

par(oma=c(2, 0,0,3))
rNames=strsplit(colnames(SumTable2), "_")
rNames2=sapply(rNames, function(x) x[1])
colnames(SumTable2)=sapply(rNames, function(x) x[2])
rownames(SumTable2)=Cdata$NewID[sapply(rownames(SumTable2), function(x) grep(x, Cdata$WGS))]
heatmap.2(sign(SumTable2[, lx]), scale="none", trace="none", col=c("white", "skyblue"), main="Process Networks: scaled No mutations affecting each pathway",
          ColSideColors = cCols[lx], Colv = NA)
summary of metacore common mutated pathways

Figure 22.11: summary of metacore common mutated pathways

write.csv(cbind(SumTable2[, lx],rNames2[lx]), file="nature-tables/1l_samples_with_muttions.csv")
# par(oma=c(2, 0,0,3))
# # rNames=strsplit(colnames(SumTable3), "_")
# # rNames2=sapply(rNames, function(x) x[1])
# # cCols=brewer.pal(12,"Set3")[factor(rNames2)]
# # lx=order(cCols)r
# heatmap.2(SumTable3, scale="col", trace="none", col=brewer.pal(9, "Blues"), main="Pathway Maps")
# write.csv(SumTable3, file="outputs/no mutations pathway maps all coding.csv")
# write.csv(SumTable2, file="outputs/no mutations process networks all coding.csv")